Mail: Rich Faler, PO Box 224, Greenville, PA 16125
Cell: 724.456.2823
I edit, layout and sell ads for the American Trapper, Wisconsin Trapper, and Texas Fur Trails. Not all items should come to me. Any membership concerns, membership address changes, and NTA affiliate news should be sent to the appropriate main office for the respective magazine.
Always be certain I have a clear way to reach you. People often leave messages on my phone and don’t leave their phone number. Just as bad, so many people (who obviously know their own number) rush through it on the phone. The main message was clear, but the number is quick, run-together, and sometimes impossible to decipher. Please speak slowly and clearly – this helps so much. And it is a good idea to leave your phone number twice – both at the beginning and the end of the call.
I am often in areas with poor or no cell service and internet connections. Immediate contact with me may not be possible. Likewise, my returning your call or email may not be immediate. If on a hard deadline, I may have to wait until the printer has the project before I can answer. Please be patient. I am one person, not an organization.