Catching & Feasting on Blue Crabs (only available as an eBook at this time)


by Rich Faler

“Blue crab fishing is fun, easy, productive and worthwhile … enjoy the soaring gulls, the lapping of waves and the harvest of the ocean!”

Catching & Feasting on Blue Crabs covers the many techniques and tricks used to easily capture a feast of blue crab beauties‹where to find the blue crab, what makes him tick and how to catch your limit. This book covers bait, hand lines, dip nets, box traps, pyramid traps, trotlines and hoop nets‹all important methods for the recreational or weekend crabber Finally, Catching & Feasting on Blue Crabs gives recipes and cooking instructions. This guide will get you on the right track.


Chapter Headings: Introduction, Natural History (How Close is a Blue Crab to Shedding?, Telling the Sexes Apart!), General Equipment & Preparation, Where & When, Handlines & Dip Nets, Floaters, Trotlines, Hoop Nets, Traps, Cooking, Recipes, References, and State Fisheries Departments.